Oct 2, 2009

Rant/Review of the Puyallup Fair and the movie Fame!

Okay first off is the fair, because it got a 100% different kind of rating than Fame  !!!
   Okay the fair is not for me. If i weren't afraid of heights, roller coasters, going upsidedown, and didn't have asthma, or hate people, then the fair would be great!!! but since i'm so special there were barely any rides i wanted to go on. that combined with the fact that we barely had any money or time made it so we could only go on three rides. this includes the giant slide. which freaked me out once i got to the top. ya. So for the dani i shall stick with wild waves! as for the dani+the puyallup fair, i rate this combo an EPIC-FAIL!
   now that we have the failtastic news of the fair out-a the way lets talk about FAME!!! This movie was fricken amazing! at first i was unsure...it seemed weird and the whole skipping almost an entire year in like a minute made me go "okay this is NOT gonna work for me", but no worries i said this in my head and i'm glad i did because once the movie got going i was glad they did it this way because it added suspense and drama in a subtle way. this movie made me laugh, almost cry, and dance in my seat (not the prettiest sight for strangers but hecka fun for the dani!)!!! So if you were considering going to see fame, DO IT! and if you were planning on going to a movie soon and were going to see something other than fame, SOMEONE MUST HAVE SPIKED YOUR LAST MEAL WITH FAIL SAUCE! GO BUY A TICKET FOR FAME OR GO RETURN UR TICKET AND SAY MY MIND IS WORKING NOW SO TRADE MY TICKET FOR FAME! GO GO GO!!! fame has obviously gotten a rating of AWESOME!

p.s. failsauce is a saying made by erin morgan...i think...well it was her or me but we both were co-creators :) just thought u should know of erin's epicness