Oct 23, 2009

Depression- NO im NOT talking about ME

Depression. Depression is an ilness. You hear people say "im depressed" but they often just mean that they're upset. Depressed people don't usually announce the fact that they're depressed, and sometimes they don't even know it.

A few years ago, i went through a very tough time with my friends. I was litterally depressed. Out of no where the main group of friends that i hung out with abandoned me. They were mad at me and to this day i have no idea why. They stopped talking to me and tried, and succeeded, to get almost everyone to do the same. As if that wasn't enough, and as if i wasn't already having a hard enough time, i slipped up and told some people something my best friend made me promise not to tell. I didnt even realize it because it was something so small, but i asked her if i was right that i wasn't supposed to share it. I was completly honest with her and appologized and she still got really mad. Then a bunch of people she thought were her friends convinced her that I was a horrible friend and that she shouldn't ever speak to me. So i lost all but 2 of my friends in one foul swoop. This sent me into a deep depression. Every minute of the day i was fighting tears, just waiting for the chance that i could leave school and cry myself to sleep in the middle of the afternoon. I lost all intrest in the things i loved. I dont know, because i cant go back to check, but i would assume i started wearing the darkest colored clothes i had (which isn't saying much because i've always been such a bright colored person that i dont even own anything black or grey(okay one gray shirt but that was this year)). I felt like no one but my family and the three people that ever talked to me cared about me, and i guess that was kind of true.

No one tried to help me out of my depression, but since it's a state of mind im pretty sure they couldn't have anyways. Luckily i never cut myself or had any thoughts of suicide. But a lot of people do. If you ever see anyone that walkes around with a glazed expression, or they look like their constantly fighting tears, or they've lost interest in things they were once really animated about, please confront them and try to help them out-even if you dont know them very well (you can always become their friend or tell their friends that they need some help)

a book i strongly recomend, is 13 reasons why. It's about a girl who commits suicide but leaves 7 tapes, double sided, each telling about one of the thirteen reasons why she killed herself-one of the thriteen people who made her commit suicide. Its a really good book, I laughed, i cried, you know the drill-only this time i'm not being ironic.

Now that you know how it affects people, dont just see somone who looks "emo" or "goth" or "depressed" and say oh look at that loser their such a loner- GO TALK TO THEM. ask them what's wrong or how they are. if they're the kind of  "goth" or "emo" kid that just does it/dresses like it because they think they look cool, sure maybe they are rather strange and you dont have to talk to them, but if you think they seriously are cutting themselves or are actually depressed try to help them. LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. you never know what small random act of kindness will save someones life-whether litterally or socially. thInk about it, dO it!


hey guys! i know not many people read this but i still feel rather dedicated to it. As long as it's special to someone (whether its just me or anyone) its special. and i haven't written something that wasn't advertisment in like FOREVER! so i am now! this isn't it because my topic needs a way better headline cuz its EXTREMELY IMPORTANT     I just wanted to give you a heads up that it was coming. I may not finish it tonight because there's so much i wanna say about it but it iS cOming! no worries guys!

Read up soon!

p.s. how are you liking my new profile pic? im probably changing it soon(again) because i'm getting my hair cut tommorrow and so i'll probably have a little photoshoot time :) lol just letting you know- im really excited!

Oct 20, 2009


kk guys i made a facebook AND a facebook group! so im gonna make a new actual post ( a nonadvertisment post) tonight since thats all i've been doing latly jsuk. anYwho here's a link to my profile(my badge is also at the bottom of the screen(: )

