Jan 16, 2010

MadTv- Can i Have yo numba? [AWESOME!]

k im not writing an official review cuz all i'd be able to do is quote this awesome and amazing sketch but i have to tell you this is rated AWESOME WITH EXTRA EMPHASIS cuz its so fricken hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


"where's yo boyfriend at? is he gettin u refreshments? is he tall? is he gettin u mike n ikes? o u like mike n ikes? is he hefty? is he comin back? where yo boyfriend? where yo boyfriend at?" LOL!!

Review of 'The Lovely Bones'- Um...?/Fail

So last night i went with my buddie megan to see 'The Lovely Bones'. I was already a bit timid going into it. it looked kinda creepy and out there, but i decided "what the heck? miGht as well!" so i got there we have some fail-tastic moments with our ordering of our junk and then our spilling of almost everything(megan spilled her cookie dough bites twice before she even got to eat any and there was only one left!haha) and then the movie starts. i was kinda confused at first but i got into it a little more. the whole thing was really slow moving. when she was about to kiss that british dude ray (or however you spell it) and then she got interrupted i said(a little to loudly) "if she dies before she gets her first kiss i'll be hecka pissed!" and ya know what happened next? she started walking home and thats when the predator attacked. what i thought was really good was how the killer loured(i cant spell...sry!) her into his little weirdo shack he made was very realistic and added to the creepy level, which was one of the only good parts-besides the comedic parts, those were done really well. i hated that they always did a close up angle on the creepers face too. i mean he was ugly enough at a distance but up close lookin up his nose and everything? thats just nasty. i was really confused when suzie was like finally crossing over and she said she couldnt go back but then she did cuz she said she wasn't quite free yet..? i dont know what that was about. and how come at the end all of the sudden her sister was pregnant? no time had past! and all of the sudden it all was about how she wanted her mom or something?! and the killer just got away?!?!? dumping her body in that weird whole in the ground. nasty. i did like that he died though (lol) i just didnt like the fakeness and stuff. i could tell that a lot of people were disapointed in the movie but ya know what? a lot of people said it was really good. so if you still wanna see it go right ahead,, what's weird to me might be cool to others so dont let me stop you :)

so on the AWESOM-eter scale (awesome and meter combined?yup lol:P) i rate it a cross between a 'Fail' and an 'um...?'

p.s. if ya didnt already know this is the AWESOM-eter scale: Epic-fail, major-fail, fail-tastic, fail, um...?, eh Ok, :), legit, epic, and AWESOME

Pic for twitter

hey guys im just postin this cuz i dont understand twitpic so i cant upload images on there and wanted them to see my hecka awesome road dogs t-shirt! here it is :)

p.s. for those who have ordered this shirt too, why did they model the shape after themselves? lol its not so flattring sometimes haha do they not get that girls are the only people ordering their shirts?!

Jan 15, 2010

the lovely bones

just got done seein the lovely bones and im gonna be writin a review on it either tonight or tommorrow! heads up for those who liked it, i didnt :/ heads up for those who havent seen it, im gonna be spoiling some stuff!

- Dangergurl (from my ipod)

End of 1st contest

k guys well no one participated. were my prizes not good enough? ya lazy? probly both but watever. i dont mind so much. it just kinda bugs me is all...

Jan 14, 2010

Dear new followers

the first page of this site is mostly docs updates so if ya want the entertaining stuff scroll way the heck down and onto the next pages cuz otherwise its kinda eh...lol but the others are hecka amazin and u'll love em!

p.s. if ur confused on how to follow this blog there's a "how to" post somewhere on this page or the next :)

Doctors Part 3

hey all i have an update on my doc stuff for ya-
so they tested me for romadic fever (through my bloodtest(ICKY!!)) and when i had gone to the doc they didnt have my results. so they gave me penesilin to take while we waited and said that if it wasn't romadic fever it was probably this other thing that would go away on its own. well the test showed a high watcha macall it but watever it was it crossed out whatever the thing that went away by itself out but not romadic fever. so im still takin that but now they want me to see a cardiologist. ya. my fourth doctor. so that's schedualed for tuesday. i'll update ya then

wish me luck!

Jan 11, 2010


hey guys! so i feel like its about time we had a little contest! the person to get me the most amount of new followers by friday the 15th at 4:00 (pacific time) will get one of these options of your choice:

1) 5days of TONS of shoutouts on twitter
2) a blog post all about whatever you want to promote
3) Me to follow 3 sites of yours or friends

have the people who follow me leave a comment on here saying who sent them and then on friday whoever has the most people following me will get the favor of their choice!!! so get started!!!!

can't wait to see who wins!

Doctors Part 2

ok guys so i went to my usual doc(the best and funiest mrs Dr. Jenny Hendrie :D) today, as you know, and she isn't sure either. she says its almost deinitly not romadic fever (the thing the neurologist thought it might be) and they took blood on fri to find out but they didn't have the results yet when i went so she perscribed penesilin (idk how to spell that :P) just in case because it wont hurt if its not needed and if it iS romadic fever then it will help. better safe than sorry i guess. she said if its not that then its hopefully just this one thing that, im not sure if she told me the name, should go away by itself in a few weeks. if its not thAt then she's gonna have my spine xrayed to see if its that. she doesn't think its any of those things but there isn't anything else it could be soO...

will keep ya posted

Jan 10, 2010

doctors 1.5

well i have a docs apt in the mornin so ill update yal when i get home from school!(hopefully!) wish me luck and prAy that they finally figure out wat this is!!!!

- Dangergurl (from my ipod)

Best Tumblrer EVER!

k guys if you have a tumblr you HAVE to be following nick jonas thinks because its sOOO hilarious! peope send them pics of nick that have funny captions for what he's saying or thinking!!! even if you dont have a tumblr still check this out- http://nickjonasthinks.tumblr.com/

For @DisneyRockOn on twitter!

hey girl here's the background you asked me to make you! :) hope u like it!