Feb 3, 2010

Who I Am: Nick Jonas and the Administration- AWESOME

today i got a present from my mom(luv u moma!!haha:P),,it was nic jonas' single album WHO I AM. right now i'm listenin to it for the first time and i loVE it!!!! rose garden was kind of repetitive and i couldn't really find the meaning,but hey i've only listened once. last time around is kind of country and it reminds me of shaniah twain+sheryl crow+john meyer+dixie chicks+jonas brothers all mixed together and-surprisinly enough- it's so far one of my favorites! the whole cd has a very john meyer-esque vibe to it. of course it has it own new sound to it,seeing as its a new cd made by a new band(well for the most part new). the remake of tonight was cute but i like the original mUch better. in state of emergency nick takes some risks by saying "she's sudductive, she does it well, she'll charge you by the hour for a straight trip down to hell"-my interpratation of that is 'miley is a secret prostitute and will seduce u well and charge you by the hour and that'll just send u down to hell' haha just kidding but still you can tell that he's had some trouble with a sexy lady tryin to gethim to slip of his purity ring tOo early. personally i'm surprised this hasn't caused more scandel yet. but i hope no one gives him too much trouble for it,,wat can u expect? cd's almost over. vespers goodbye's on now and i like it a lot, its nice and simple-but the ending is really sad! last song; stronger (back on the ground). lovin it! simple snappy and conclusive.

just like my ending!
its obvious to see why WHO I AM album rated AWEOME on the aweso-meter! go buy it ASAP-even if ur not a jonas brother fan! its a lot different from their usual stuff,,

~p.s. i've made some adjustments and the aweso-meter scale now goes like this; Epic-fail, fail-tastic, fail, um...?, eh Ok, legit, epic, and AWESOME

confirmed: nick jonas is an "AMAZING kisser!"

just a few moments  ago on twitter selena gomez tweeted "for those of you asking, yes @nickjonas is an AMAZING kisser"

no worries ladies it's been confirmed ;)

Brandon Wrights the Wrongs- AWESOME!

this guy got the highest rating on my aweso-meter scale guys!! his blog is hecka funny and well thought out,, wat are you waiting for? click the link already!! http://brandonwritesthewrongs.blogspot.com

Jan 31, 2010

'It'sKingsleyBitch' BEst Youtube Guys Ever!!

OMG guys! this dude is AWESOME!!! he's so fricken funny!! I can't even describe him. you gotta watch these; but keep in mind these are just the jonas ones and im sure those nonjonas fans will still like them but hey watch the others too!!!

niley vs nelena! "nick gomez sounds like an obese burrito"- 


NICK JONAS WAS RAPED ON STAGE (actually he was just mobbed but i decided to put the real title on there :P)! "they bombarded the stage like a bunch of wildabeasts"-
