Mar 26, 2010

The Burning Hotels- epic

(link to myspace in title)
The Burning Hotels are an ahmazing alternative/indie rock band with a great style and even better sound! You can see a little bit of their flare in the movie Bandslam-if you just want a taste. If you want the full, more AWESOME experience that IS The Burning Hotels, buy their music on iTunes or go find their most recent CD Eighty Five Mirrors or their newest single Austin's Birthday(my fav of their songs)

Overall I rate them epic! on the AWESO-meter scale!

p.s. AWESO-meter scale is this; Epic-fail, fail-tastic, fail, um...?, eh Ok, legit, epic, and AWESOME

I Text Allegiance

lol found this on tumblr

hehe's i <3 Colbert!

Mar 25, 2010

Colbert vs. Rain-Dance off!!!

funniest danceoff i've ever watched! who is this rain guy anyway?
(link in title)

Slogan Maker!

My new slogan is this: Style outside, dangergurl inside. AhmaaAzing right? slogan maker made it for me and im super excited about it! do you want your own slogan? click the title! tA-DAAA!!!:D

Bandslam- AWESOME

Bandslam was amazing! I thought it would be good but I was actually impressed,, the characters were really well rounded and there were a lot of ups and downs- it was never boring and never over the top. I almost cried twice though:( Phil's song is amazing and I hate that they don't have the full band version on iTunes. the only thing I didn't like was that at the end everybody had numbers and dashes in their names~if I were sa5m I would be like, uh excuse me that's my thing!

go watch it!

AWESO-meter rating: AWESOME

The Classic Crime- AWESOME

(link in title)

This is one of my new favorite bands-second only to the jonas brothers, that's just how awesome they are!
There's not many words that describe this amazing band but just listen to them and you'll see what I mean:)

My favorite songs are:

Solar Powered Life
Salt in the Snow
The Fight
All the Memories


AWESO-meter rating: AWESOME!!!