hey guys!!! so as i promised (so long ago!-sorry about that!) i'm writing my review on the movie NEW MOON!!!! warning! if you have not seen this movie yet dont read this review!
first i should tell you what i thought of twilight. i rEEEALLY didnt like twilight. borderline hate. the only reason it's borderline is because i feel hate is a really strong word and dont like to use it unless i'm positive i feel that strongly. i will not go into why i feel that way at this time because i might forget to write my review (yes this has really happened, and many times. especially when i'm talking and have no reference point to what i originally planned on talking about) i actually disliked twilight so much i almost didnt go see New Moon because i was afraid i would be yelling at the screen and agitating people. luckily enough people were talking about it that i decided to give it a chance. and thank GOD i did! i aDOREd it!
i'm gona try and go through from begining to end on what i loved and hated(sorry for the strong word but im getting tired of saying "disliked"-its not powerfull enough >:/) anywho. so i loved the way the entered the movie-w/ the moon going from full to new moon and then cutting to the film! :)))! but kristen stewart did a horibble job acting upset about her dream. and her birthday. and everything else she did that they called "acting". my personal opinion is that she is an awfull actress and she nEver shows Any emOtion!
every time robert pattinson(i refuse to refer to him as edward) and kristen kissed, they grunted and moaned. im like "save the sex noises for backstage sickos!" JESUS i had to fricken plUg my ears! i was seriously disturbed! even ask my megan (one of my many bff's megan ekse) about my involentary gagging and flinching. kristen was like "i want you to kiss me" she sounded like she was telling him she wanted him to leave. like she sounded madish.
I did however love the birthday scene. except jaspers face when he first smelled the blood. but everything else about that and the getting the glass out of her arm was rEally well done. even kristen and rob didnt screw it up ;) but i didnt like that when rob took kristen back to her house they didnt show the whole mike argument and he didnt go back to her room and he didnt give her her recording of her lullaby or the plane tickets. the only presents she got were the camera and scrapbook and the stereo.
i liked when he left and they kept the same month changing thing and the way they filmed it. kristen dId do a good job looking depressed. and i was so happy they kept the month changing thing because that was my favorite dramatic part after edward left-the fact that nothing happened at all in those months. at first i threw my book and stuff and i was all pissed and i was confused but when i think about it it was the perfect set up for the mood and tone of the book (sorry to get all english class talk on ya)
i didnt like the way they had charlie tell bella that he was sending her back to her moms because they left out the therapist talk-which was the main reason she tried all the stuff w/ jessica because she didnt want to get thrown in the looney bin plus she didnt want to loose the reality of edward existing (i've been rereading new moon in case u've been wondering how i've been keeping track of all the details(: ) and the whole port angeles thing was a bit much. at first i thought it was good but then she hopped on the dudes motorcycle and i was like o jEsus that screwed things up. well i guess maybe thats how they made people figure out why she got the motorcycles for herself? iiI don kno. and i didnt like having to actually see robbert when she was hearing his voice. i thought it was more affective that she only heard him.
I think they did a great job at picking taylor lautner for jacob! he was the only main character who could act! and he's super hot ;) :P i think all the stuff w/ him went really well. i usually hate when they change stuff from the movie but the way they changed his reaction to mike in the movie theater was really funny and really great. and then when he was shirtless in the rain :)))) yowzers! ;P
however i didnt like the way the whole confrontation went down. if she hadnt talked to the other wearwolves and slapped paul i might have been okay but that was wAay too much. paul would have killed her. plus jacob and her never even talked about anything. and she never thought he was a murderer. ya that part they could have fixed but hey wat can ya do?
im running out of time so im skipping to the vulturi part.
so when you see rob in front of the vulturi, he looks really high. like his eyes are puffy and unfocused and he just looks like a fricken creeper! then when he steps out w/out a shirt on- and if you havent seen the movie yet you have to look for this- one of his nipples is a different color, its bigger, and it has a bite mark on it!!!! i almost puked lol! a bunch of rob lovers were like "aaaah!!" all sigh-y and stuff and megan and i were cracking up!!! everyone thought we were weird but i couldnt stop! oh and when alice sees the vision of her as a vamp,, whats up w/ them froliking through the field? rEallY? i was the only one laughing there too haha. i was soon joined by the whole theater as soon as one person heard my hysterics lol it was pretty funny.
the whole movie was amazing, and i actually feel closer to team jacob now. only because i can see it all laid out and when i see it clearer and from an objective view and w/out the lovingness between the characters of edward and bella that was botched by kristen and robbert once again i saw how i wanted her to stay when jake was like "please bella, im begging you" and he was all teary and a good acter and she responded w/ no feeling and a retarded freak expression "no jake i have to go" in a monotone. ya.
well thats it!!!
p.s. im really sorry to all the robbert pattinson fans out there. i sincerly appologize if i offended you but this is only mY opinion an d i hope you can see that. i know i wouldnt hate you if you said mean things about the jonas brothers- i mean i would if you didnt appologize but if you did i would most likely accept it. it kind of depends on how mean you were ;)
Dec 11, 2009
my days at school
i really want to make a video of all the hilarious things my friends say to me! i wish i had a good reason to tell my teachers so i wouldnt get in trouble for having my camera out- because for serious my days are FRICKEN FUNNY!! for some reason people say the cRAziest things to me! hmM i wondeR y *eye roll* maAyB im crazy too!!!! lolz thats probly it haha
stay tuned, i might just find a way!
stay tuned, i might just find a way!
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