Jan 16, 2010

Review of 'The Lovely Bones'- Um...?/Fail

So last night i went with my buddie megan to see 'The Lovely Bones'. I was already a bit timid going into it. it looked kinda creepy and out there, but i decided "what the heck? miGht as well!" so i got there we have some fail-tastic moments with our ordering of our junk and then our spilling of almost everything(megan spilled her cookie dough bites twice before she even got to eat any and there was only one left!haha) and then the movie starts. i was kinda confused at first but i got into it a little more. the whole thing was really slow moving. when she was about to kiss that british dude ray (or however you spell it) and then she got interrupted i said(a little to loudly) "if she dies before she gets her first kiss i'll be hecka pissed!" and ya know what happened next? she started walking home and thats when the predator attacked. what i thought was really good was how the killer loured(i cant spell...sry!) her into his little weirdo shack he made was very realistic and added to the creepy level, which was one of the only good parts-besides the comedic parts, those were done really well. i hated that they always did a close up angle on the creepers face too. i mean he was ugly enough at a distance but up close lookin up his nose and everything? thats just nasty. i was really confused when suzie was like finally crossing over and she said she couldnt go back but then she did cuz she said she wasn't quite free yet..? i dont know what that was about. and how come at the end all of the sudden her sister was pregnant? no time had past! and all of the sudden it all was about how she wanted her mom or something?! and the killer just got away?!?!? dumping her body in that weird whole in the ground. nasty. i did like that he died though (lol) i just didnt like the fakeness and stuff. i could tell that a lot of people were disapointed in the movie but ya know what? a lot of people said it was really good. so if you still wanna see it go right ahead,, what's weird to me might be cool to others so dont let me stop you :)

so on the AWESOM-eter scale (awesome and meter combined?yup lol:P) i rate it a cross between a 'Fail' and an 'um...?'

p.s. if ya didnt already know this is the AWESOM-eter scale: Epic-fail, major-fail, fail-tastic, fail, um...?, eh Ok, :), legit, epic, and AWESOME

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