Seeing as everyone around me is talking about the new year, i thought you all would like to hear about my perspective on the new year! If i'm wronge, TOO BAD! hehe im writin it anyways :))) maybe it'll be cathardic(i dont know how to spell that but if your wondering it means cleansing)
looking back on 2009:
I moved from one level of schooling to the next- saying goodbye to SMS forever! (thank god!-uhem i mean how upsetting ill miss it so much*eye roll*)
I went to my first concert eVer
I came within a foot of Joe Jonas- @my first ever concert,,it was a jobro one :)
I got closer to my best friend again (its not goin so perfect lately but we're gettin back there)
I got my first great hair cut lol
I started my first ever blog
I started school in the big leagues (haha class of 2013 rule!)
I went to my first formal dance
I started my book-that i will hopefully be dedicated to enough to make it famous!
So far its been a pretty successfull year! My goals for this next year are as follows:
Get at least 10 followers on my blog(hopefully more)
Get 100 followrs(or more) on twitter
Continue and finish my book
Meet Joe Jonas (and get his#!)
maybe join a band or learn to play the drums (right now i just play guitar)
there are so many more things that i could write but that would be very boring for you. you're probably already thinking "holy crap how many generic things can she put on here-she might as well write down 'bring peace to the world' " but you know wat? I wish i could bring peace to the world! but that's not my goal for next year, maybe the year after that. but they aren't that miniscule or generic if you think about it. and even if they were, whats wrong with that right? that just means you care even about the little things. but enough with the lecture.
i dont have anyhing interesting to write, but i thought i'd post this because the jonas brothers did one of their year and their year to come and i wanted to see if i had as much to write as they did. i didn't. but i dont really care so its all good! :)
well i'll write when i have somethin cool to say!
luv u!
~DJ Dangergurl
Dec 31, 2009
Dec 30, 2009
Dec 29, 2009
Dec 28, 2009
:)Fake it till ya make it!
want a tip for how to make yourself feel better when you're in a bad mood? FAKE IT TILL YA MAKE IT :)! thinking to yourself that you're happy can make you feel happy! a good tip is to take a pencil or a pen and chew on it. if gives you something to bite on to get your frustration out aND it uses the same muscles that you use when you smile. when you use those muscles, ur body sends out this little chemicals that make you feel happy : D
next time ur a grumpy-umpus, yell "I NEED A PEN!" and think of the sexyness that is in this picture-
zacefron makes everything better ;P
~DJ_danger's girl
next time ur a grumpy-umpus, yell "I NEED A PEN!" and think of the sexyness that is in this picture-
zacefron makes everything better ;P
~DJ_danger's girl
Facebook Fanpage!
hey guys become a fan of DangergurlPones on facebook! :)))
Dec 27, 2009
okay not to freak this person out or anything, but WELCOME NEWEST FOLLOWER!!! you are my first official follower! i know it says there's another person but they're just my friend who nEver fricken uses her account lol but i really appreciate ur following me :))) i know its a weird thing to say but i just thought u should know that u rEALly made my week!! feel free to shoot me a tweet or something telling me who u r on twitter or tumblr or watever and i'll give ya tONS of shoutouts! :0)
p.s. plEAse spread the word about me! :) thanks again!
p.s. plEAse spread the word about me! :) thanks again!
Dec 18, 2009
HARRY POTTER THE MUSICAL IS THE BEST THING ON YOUTUBE (i kid u not!!!) holy jeez guys i made a new discovery!!! i just finished the whole play and i am AMAZED!! My favorite charactor is Draco- who is so obviously a girl! omg and snape?!? "ow my weeeenaaaaaaah!!!" hahA! just call me rumbleroar from now on lol "rumble roar is the head master at pig farts. he's a lion. who can talk." O jeeZ and quirell and voldemorte?!?!! "i cant sleep on my tummy" voldemorte period! "i thought killing people would make them like me but it just made them dead" AND THEY HAD A ZEXY ZACEFRON POSTER!!!! and all the guys were like "i believe i am the bigest zefron fan" -if ur wanting to c this right away watch Act 2 Part 3, Act 2 Part 6 "harry potter loves zac efron more than anything else on the planet"
All videos-in order:
Act 1 Part 1
Act 1 Part 2
Act 1 Part 3
Act 1 Part 4
Act 1 Part 5
Act 1 Part 6
Act 1 Part 7
Act 1 Part 8
Act 1 Part 9
Act 1 Part 10
Act 1 Part 11
Act 1 Part 12
Act 1 Part 13
Act 1 Part 14
Act 2 Part 1
Act 2 Part 2
Act 2 Part 3
Act 2 Part 4
Act 2 Part 5
Act 2 Part 6
Act 2 Part 7
Act 2 Part 8
Act 2 Part 9
All videos-in order:
Act 1 Part 1
Act 1 Part 2
Act 1 Part 3
Act 1 Part 4
Act 1 Part 5
Act 1 Part 6
Act 1 Part 7
Act 1 Part 8
Act 1 Part 9
Act 1 Part 10
Act 1 Part 11
Act 1 Part 12
Act 1 Part 13
Act 1 Part 14
Act 2 Part 1
Act 2 Part 2
Act 2 Part 3
Act 2 Part 4
Act 2 Part 5
Act 2 Part 6
Act 2 Part 7
Act 2 Part 8
Act 2 Part 9
Dec 14, 2009
text conversation w/ my buddy erin last night!;
erin: Dear god, please make it snow. thank you, erin.
Me: Dear god, dito. ohz and i'd like joe jonas too. thanks!~Danielle
erin: Dear god, please make it snow. thank you, erin.
Me: Dear god, dito. ohz and i'd like joe jonas too. thanks!~Danielle
Dec 11, 2009
New Moon Review!!!
hey guys!!! so as i promised (so long ago!-sorry about that!) i'm writing my review on the movie NEW MOON!!!! warning! if you have not seen this movie yet dont read this review!
first i should tell you what i thought of twilight. i rEEEALLY didnt like twilight. borderline hate. the only reason it's borderline is because i feel hate is a really strong word and dont like to use it unless i'm positive i feel that strongly. i will not go into why i feel that way at this time because i might forget to write my review (yes this has really happened, and many times. especially when i'm talking and have no reference point to what i originally planned on talking about) i actually disliked twilight so much i almost didnt go see New Moon because i was afraid i would be yelling at the screen and agitating people. luckily enough people were talking about it that i decided to give it a chance. and thank GOD i did! i aDOREd it!
i'm gona try and go through from begining to end on what i loved and hated(sorry for the strong word but im getting tired of saying "disliked"-its not powerfull enough >:/) anywho. so i loved the way the entered the movie-w/ the moon going from full to new moon and then cutting to the film! :)))! but kristen stewart did a horibble job acting upset about her dream. and her birthday. and everything else she did that they called "acting". my personal opinion is that she is an awfull actress and she nEver shows Any emOtion!
every time robert pattinson(i refuse to refer to him as edward) and kristen kissed, they grunted and moaned. im like "save the sex noises for backstage sickos!" JESUS i had to fricken plUg my ears! i was seriously disturbed! even ask my megan (one of my many bff's megan ekse) about my involentary gagging and flinching. kristen was like "i want you to kiss me" she sounded like she was telling him she wanted him to leave. like she sounded madish.
I did however love the birthday scene. except jaspers face when he first smelled the blood. but everything else about that and the getting the glass out of her arm was rEally well done. even kristen and rob didnt screw it up ;) but i didnt like that when rob took kristen back to her house they didnt show the whole mike argument and he didnt go back to her room and he didnt give her her recording of her lullaby or the plane tickets. the only presents she got were the camera and scrapbook and the stereo.
i liked when he left and they kept the same month changing thing and the way they filmed it. kristen dId do a good job looking depressed. and i was so happy they kept the month changing thing because that was my favorite dramatic part after edward left-the fact that nothing happened at all in those months. at first i threw my book and stuff and i was all pissed and i was confused but when i think about it it was the perfect set up for the mood and tone of the book (sorry to get all english class talk on ya)
i didnt like the way they had charlie tell bella that he was sending her back to her moms because they left out the therapist talk-which was the main reason she tried all the stuff w/ jessica because she didnt want to get thrown in the looney bin plus she didnt want to loose the reality of edward existing (i've been rereading new moon in case u've been wondering how i've been keeping track of all the details(: ) and the whole port angeles thing was a bit much. at first i thought it was good but then she hopped on the dudes motorcycle and i was like o jEsus that screwed things up. well i guess maybe thats how they made people figure out why she got the motorcycles for herself? iiI don kno. and i didnt like having to actually see robbert when she was hearing his voice. i thought it was more affective that she only heard him.
I think they did a great job at picking taylor lautner for jacob! he was the only main character who could act! and he's super hot ;) :P i think all the stuff w/ him went really well. i usually hate when they change stuff from the movie but the way they changed his reaction to mike in the movie theater was really funny and really great. and then when he was shirtless in the rain :)))) yowzers! ;P
however i didnt like the way the whole confrontation went down. if she hadnt talked to the other wearwolves and slapped paul i might have been okay but that was wAay too much. paul would have killed her. plus jacob and her never even talked about anything. and she never thought he was a murderer. ya that part they could have fixed but hey wat can ya do?
im running out of time so im skipping to the vulturi part.
so when you see rob in front of the vulturi, he looks really high. like his eyes are puffy and unfocused and he just looks like a fricken creeper! then when he steps out w/out a shirt on- and if you havent seen the movie yet you have to look for this- one of his nipples is a different color, its bigger, and it has a bite mark on it!!!! i almost puked lol! a bunch of rob lovers were like "aaaah!!" all sigh-y and stuff and megan and i were cracking up!!! everyone thought we were weird but i couldnt stop! oh and when alice sees the vision of her as a vamp,, whats up w/ them froliking through the field? rEallY? i was the only one laughing there too haha. i was soon joined by the whole theater as soon as one person heard my hysterics lol it was pretty funny.
the whole movie was amazing, and i actually feel closer to team jacob now. only because i can see it all laid out and when i see it clearer and from an objective view and w/out the lovingness between the characters of edward and bella that was botched by kristen and robbert once again i saw how i wanted her to stay when jake was like "please bella, im begging you" and he was all teary and a good acter and she responded w/ no feeling and a retarded freak expression "no jake i have to go" in a monotone. ya.
well thats it!!!
p.s. im really sorry to all the robbert pattinson fans out there. i sincerly appologize if i offended you but this is only mY opinion an d i hope you can see that. i know i wouldnt hate you if you said mean things about the jonas brothers- i mean i would if you didnt appologize but if you did i would most likely accept it. it kind of depends on how mean you were ;)
first i should tell you what i thought of twilight. i rEEEALLY didnt like twilight. borderline hate. the only reason it's borderline is because i feel hate is a really strong word and dont like to use it unless i'm positive i feel that strongly. i will not go into why i feel that way at this time because i might forget to write my review (yes this has really happened, and many times. especially when i'm talking and have no reference point to what i originally planned on talking about) i actually disliked twilight so much i almost didnt go see New Moon because i was afraid i would be yelling at the screen and agitating people. luckily enough people were talking about it that i decided to give it a chance. and thank GOD i did! i aDOREd it!
i'm gona try and go through from begining to end on what i loved and hated(sorry for the strong word but im getting tired of saying "disliked"-its not powerfull enough >:/) anywho. so i loved the way the entered the movie-w/ the moon going from full to new moon and then cutting to the film! :)))! but kristen stewart did a horibble job acting upset about her dream. and her birthday. and everything else she did that they called "acting". my personal opinion is that she is an awfull actress and she nEver shows Any emOtion!
every time robert pattinson(i refuse to refer to him as edward) and kristen kissed, they grunted and moaned. im like "save the sex noises for backstage sickos!" JESUS i had to fricken plUg my ears! i was seriously disturbed! even ask my megan (one of my many bff's megan ekse) about my involentary gagging and flinching. kristen was like "i want you to kiss me" she sounded like she was telling him she wanted him to leave. like she sounded madish.
I did however love the birthday scene. except jaspers face when he first smelled the blood. but everything else about that and the getting the glass out of her arm was rEally well done. even kristen and rob didnt screw it up ;) but i didnt like that when rob took kristen back to her house they didnt show the whole mike argument and he didnt go back to her room and he didnt give her her recording of her lullaby or the plane tickets. the only presents she got were the camera and scrapbook and the stereo.
i liked when he left and they kept the same month changing thing and the way they filmed it. kristen dId do a good job looking depressed. and i was so happy they kept the month changing thing because that was my favorite dramatic part after edward left-the fact that nothing happened at all in those months. at first i threw my book and stuff and i was all pissed and i was confused but when i think about it it was the perfect set up for the mood and tone of the book (sorry to get all english class talk on ya)
i didnt like the way they had charlie tell bella that he was sending her back to her moms because they left out the therapist talk-which was the main reason she tried all the stuff w/ jessica because she didnt want to get thrown in the looney bin plus she didnt want to loose the reality of edward existing (i've been rereading new moon in case u've been wondering how i've been keeping track of all the details(: ) and the whole port angeles thing was a bit much. at first i thought it was good but then she hopped on the dudes motorcycle and i was like o jEsus that screwed things up. well i guess maybe thats how they made people figure out why she got the motorcycles for herself? iiI don kno. and i didnt like having to actually see robbert when she was hearing his voice. i thought it was more affective that she only heard him.
I think they did a great job at picking taylor lautner for jacob! he was the only main character who could act! and he's super hot ;) :P i think all the stuff w/ him went really well. i usually hate when they change stuff from the movie but the way they changed his reaction to mike in the movie theater was really funny and really great. and then when he was shirtless in the rain :)))) yowzers! ;P
however i didnt like the way the whole confrontation went down. if she hadnt talked to the other wearwolves and slapped paul i might have been okay but that was wAay too much. paul would have killed her. plus jacob and her never even talked about anything. and she never thought he was a murderer. ya that part they could have fixed but hey wat can ya do?
im running out of time so im skipping to the vulturi part.
so when you see rob in front of the vulturi, he looks really high. like his eyes are puffy and unfocused and he just looks like a fricken creeper! then when he steps out w/out a shirt on- and if you havent seen the movie yet you have to look for this- one of his nipples is a different color, its bigger, and it has a bite mark on it!!!! i almost puked lol! a bunch of rob lovers were like "aaaah!!" all sigh-y and stuff and megan and i were cracking up!!! everyone thought we were weird but i couldnt stop! oh and when alice sees the vision of her as a vamp,, whats up w/ them froliking through the field? rEallY? i was the only one laughing there too haha. i was soon joined by the whole theater as soon as one person heard my hysterics lol it was pretty funny.
the whole movie was amazing, and i actually feel closer to team jacob now. only because i can see it all laid out and when i see it clearer and from an objective view and w/out the lovingness between the characters of edward and bella that was botched by kristen and robbert once again i saw how i wanted her to stay when jake was like "please bella, im begging you" and he was all teary and a good acter and she responded w/ no feeling and a retarded freak expression "no jake i have to go" in a monotone. ya.
well thats it!!!
p.s. im really sorry to all the robbert pattinson fans out there. i sincerly appologize if i offended you but this is only mY opinion an d i hope you can see that. i know i wouldnt hate you if you said mean things about the jonas brothers- i mean i would if you didnt appologize but if you did i would most likely accept it. it kind of depends on how mean you were ;)
my days at school
i really want to make a video of all the hilarious things my friends say to me! i wish i had a good reason to tell my teachers so i wouldnt get in trouble for having my camera out- because for serious my days are FRICKEN FUNNY!! for some reason people say the cRAziest things to me! hmM i wondeR y *eye roll* maAyB im crazy too!!!! lolz thats probly it haha
stay tuned, i might just find a way!
stay tuned, i might just find a way!
Nov 28, 2009
hey guys! so i watched new moOn today!!! buUt im not gonna write a review of it today! SORRY!!! i didnt have time today and its 11:11 right now(im making a wish right now!) so,,ya. but hopefully-if i get all my homeworks done 0_0- i'll be able to write it tommro! so i'll let u know ASIFLI (as soon as i fEEl like it!)
~DJ_danger's girl ;)
~DJ_danger's girl ;)
Nov 27, 2009
i've read all the books many times,,OF COURSE! and im kinda mad that people are seing it without reading it. but there's nothing i can do.
i actually didnt like the twilight movie. bUt i heard that New Moon was 10times better than twilight so thats good :))) im super excited!
well i gota go, watchin moulin rouge on my ipod :D i love that movie so much!
p.s. i need a nickname! i lOve Satine but its associated w/ prostitutes so...yeeEAhh...not so much :/ lol if u think of anything cool let me know!!
i've read all the books many times,,OF COURSE! and im kinda mad that people are seing it without reading it. but there's nothing i can do.
i actually didnt like the twilight movie. bUt i heard that New Moon was 10times better than twilight so thats good :))) im super excited!
well i gota go, watchin moulin rouge on my ipod :D i love that movie so much!
p.s. i need a nickname! i lOve Satine but its associated w/ prostitutes so...yeeEAhh...not so much :/ lol if u think of anything cool let me know!!
Nov 24, 2009
winter break+youtube=...
the best videos ever!!! so far heres my ideas:
1) road trip through town interviewing random ppl
2) fred meyer field trip w/interviews of employees
3) bounce remake
4) c how many stores in the mall i can get kicked out of (lol that 1s a jk:) promise!)
hopefully ill find ppl to b in em w/me!
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
1) road trip through town interviewing random ppl
2) fred meyer field trip w/interviews of employees
3) bounce remake
4) c how many stores in the mall i can get kicked out of (lol that 1s a jk:) promise!)
hopefully ill find ppl to b in em w/me!
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
Profile Pic
I feel a change a commin guys : D!!! im gettin my bangs cut soon and goin shopping. its one of those times where i feel like re-vamping my style,, u know? ever get that feeling? maybe its just me-as w/ most things (cuz im amazing like that!)- but i just feel like my style needs some freshining.
along w/ this magnifico change, i want to take a picture to capture the newer me. so i feel like a new profile picture is in order. so BE PREPARED! i'll put some pictures on here before i decide and if anyone has an opinion just let me know. i dont think anyone reads this anyways so it should be fine but still. you never know.
love u all!!!
~DJ_dangergirl/ chaka#1
p.s. tehe i loved land of the lost- i saw it recently and today at gymnastics we were being chaka's to help us get the energy to do a stratle over on vault and attempted to have it help w/ pullovers(doing chaka's dance lol O jeez!:P) i decided i was chaka#1 and anyone else who wanted to be chaka could be chaka#2 and so on,, i claimed #1 b4 anyone even wanted to b a chaka! haha on their faces~!
along w/ this magnifico change, i want to take a picture to capture the newer me. so i feel like a new profile picture is in order. so BE PREPARED! i'll put some pictures on here before i decide and if anyone has an opinion just let me know. i dont think anyone reads this anyways so it should be fine but still. you never know.
love u all!!!
~DJ_dangergirl/ chaka#1
p.s. tehe i loved land of the lost- i saw it recently and today at gymnastics we were being chaka's to help us get the energy to do a stratle over on vault and attempted to have it help w/ pullovers(doing chaka's dance lol O jeez!:P) i decided i was chaka#1 and anyone else who wanted to be chaka could be chaka#2 and so on,, i claimed #1 b4 anyone even wanted to b a chaka! haha on their faces~!
Nov 20, 2009
!!!! thanksgivings this thursday!!! or i should say SLAPSGIVING!!! HECKA ROFL-LOL!!!! u gotta watch this video!-
and then this one!
I KNOW ALL THE WORDS!!! lolz!!!!
happy slapsgiving everybody! :P ttyl!
~luv yal!
and then this one!
I KNOW ALL THE WORDS!!! lolz!!!!
happy slapsgiving everybody! :P ttyl!
~luv yal!
Nov 19, 2009
K guys guess what?!? the time has come or a new amazing entry! but u know wat?!? i cant write it right now. y the fugii am i writing a blog entry about how im gonna write one but cant right now? because i wanted u to know im not slacking off i just dont have very much time right now and i didnt want to forget so i'll either post one after im done w/ my homework OR tommorrow b4 the gymnasics team sleepover! :)))) juuUst so-s u knoO!
luv ur fav person/blogger EVA!
~Danielle DJ_Danger
luv ur fav person/blogger EVA!
~Danielle DJ_Danger
Nov 15, 2009
if u were one of the fourish people who actually watched my video on youtube, im not going to be making very many more. and the ones i do make will most likely not have me in it-like be pictures along with a song. this is because it didnt work very well to make this one and not many people watched it anyways. just wanted to let you know-ill be writing more soon!!!
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
Nov 8, 2009
k guys so i finally announced on twitter my "big surprise"!!! i cant wait to start working on my skript! my vid shOuld be posted by next weekend, but i just joined gymnastics and practice is every day until 6 so idk if i'll have much time to work on it-but ill deffinitly try!!!
im'a be as popular as micheal buckly (MY FAV YOUTUBER!) you just dont even know ;) haha well that's all- fo NOw that is! i'll let you know when i have made any proress on my vid-FTW!
~DJ_Danger's grirl :() :)
im'a be as popular as micheal buckly (MY FAV YOUTUBER!) you just dont even know ;) haha well that's all- fo NOw that is! i'll let you know when i have made any proress on my vid-FTW!
~DJ_Danger's grirl :() :)
OMG! So a long while back demi lovatos icon on twitter was her playing the piano,and she had these weirdthings inbetween her fingers. my friend and i were bugged by it all the time and tried to figure it out but couldnt. we sort of gave up,,mostly because we forgot once she changed her icon. But then mandy on wore them on the miley and mandy show once and we remembered again! we looked and looked and found nothing. we eventually fogot again. bit for some reason this weekend i remembered and i started looking for the pic of Demi so i could explain to people in stores better,,i never found it :( luckily for me; at the very end of our shopping trip, a girl was wearing them and they caught my eye. i told my mom and the girl was workin one of those jewelry stands. so we walked over there and pretended we were looking for something and she asked us if we were looking for something in particular. my mom told her i was looking for "little things that go between ur fingers" (lol) and the girl looked really confused so i said"ur wearing them right now" and pointed at her hand. she said "o we dont sell those here sorry" and looked rEally embarased. we asked what they were called and she spelled it out"v-a-l-o-u" so as soon as i went home i looked it up. and do u know how much these Epic 'double ring's' are? $150! yeah. so then i looked up "cheap valou". guess what i foooOUUUnd!!!! $15 DOLLER valou!!! technically its a knock off but hey its one tenth the price, I dont care! so go here! and heres a picture preview of one of the kinds they have!!! :)))

- Dangergurl (from my ipod)

- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
Nov 6, 2009
comment about epic turtle ring
guys i would for serious wear this all the time haha no lie! but not to like school and such-but when i do anything dangergurl related i would b wearin that little buddy on my finger :) he'd make me happy! so make sure i dont get an uggo! DONT LIE TO ME! im verry gullable so if u say its awesome and it really isnt im gonna have a lam0 turtle on my finger and i'll b thinkin im all legit wen im just retarded! so either find me a better turtle or give me a name for this one and i'll go buy him :)
twitter surprize!
i know i've already posted a couple of things about this but im getting more followers and want to make sure everythings all clear :)
so i have a big surprize for yal and i want to reveal it but i need to know there are going to be a lot of people seeing/hearing/knowing it! so when i get 50 followers on twitter i'm going to reveal it!
here's a hint- youtube/podcast
its a huge hint, but make what you will of it and then you'll just have to tell people to follow me to find out for sure what happens :))))
so i have a big surprize for yal and i want to reveal it but i need to know there are going to be a lot of people seeing/hearing/knowing it! so when i get 50 followers on twitter i'm going to reveal it!
here's a hint- youtube/podcast
its a huge hint, but make what you will of it and then you'll just have to tell people to follow me to find out for sure what happens :))))
big surprize!
so i told u the other day that the hint for my twitter surprize was this:youtube.
but now i think this is a better hint:youtube/podcast
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
but now i think this is a better hint:youtube/podcast
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
Nov 5, 2009
I wanna be famous!
hey guys guess what?!? my goal for life: to be famous! idk how yet but you know what?!? i'm going to make it happen! and you wanna know why? because im stubborn! i set my mind to something and, if i have the resources, i get it done! i think it would be super cool to be famous because of any of these things:
just so those of you who know me in person know, every time we have advisory and the teacher asks me my goal or makes us do those retarded smart goals (p.s. does any other school but the ones our stupid effing school district do smart goals? we've been doing them since 6th grade and we did them like every quarter and i thought thAt was bad! now in high school we have to do them like all the time in advisory! ugh i hate them so much!!!) well every time we do those, if i ask you what my goal should be- like usual- remind me that i already have one that's foolproof and i can use it repeatedly!
So wish me luck my fans- so far there aren't many of you, but im getting quite the following on twitter so once i get 50 i told them i'd reveal a big surprize and im about to reveal something about it now(seeing as i dont have any followers on here yet(not neccesarily that i dont have any readers but most likely)) and this idea will hopefully at least get the word out about my blog!
here's the hint (its a biggin)- youtube
thats all im saying
not that there's really anything else to say but watev!
well that's all for now, i'll update ASAP! well not really because i could again tommorrow...but i'll be updating as soon as i have something interesting to say!!! ASAI!(as soon as interested! lol i love myself haha)
- my blog
- a youtube channel (haven't made one yet but thinking about it)
- twitter peeps think so amazing i become famous
- i host a radio show that makes me uber famous
- i write a book as big as twilight (only i wont ruin it by making it a movie...well maybe(not the ruin part) if joe jonas plays adam and i get to play Lorelai*swoon*)
- i have a kick butt show like the colbert report but i write my own skript and i keep it pg-ish so teens can have my face/name on a shirt and not have to try to explain it to their parents with embarrassment
- actress (doesn't include talk show or watever the heck colbert is)
- singer/musician (even though i pone at the guitar and lyric writing)
- marry a famous person (not that i wouldnt want to marry them i would just want to get my fame on my own...and thEn marry Joe JOnas :) <3<3<3)
- model-i wuldnt be thought 2 smrt ;p
- crime-duh that'd make me infamous!
just so those of you who know me in person know, every time we have advisory and the teacher asks me my goal or makes us do those retarded smart goals (p.s. does any other school but the ones our stupid effing school district do smart goals? we've been doing them since 6th grade and we did them like every quarter and i thought thAt was bad! now in high school we have to do them like all the time in advisory! ugh i hate them so much!!!) well every time we do those, if i ask you what my goal should be- like usual- remind me that i already have one that's foolproof and i can use it repeatedly!
So wish me luck my fans- so far there aren't many of you, but im getting quite the following on twitter so once i get 50 i told them i'd reveal a big surprize and im about to reveal something about it now(seeing as i dont have any followers on here yet(not neccesarily that i dont have any readers but most likely)) and this idea will hopefully at least get the word out about my blog!
here's the hint (its a biggin)- youtube
thats all im saying
not that there's really anything else to say but watev!
well that's all for now, i'll update ASAP! well not really because i could again tommorrow...but i'll be updating as soon as i have something interesting to say!!! ASAI!(as soon as interested! lol i love myself haha)
Nov 4, 2009
for @cureforacutie
Nov 1, 2009
i started my book! my working title is catch me! like the demi lovato song-cuz that was my inspiration! im gonna post some of it and u shud tell me if u like it :)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
Halloween was yesterday guys!!!! little kids were sooOoo cute in their costumes!!! guess what i dressed up as? A SUPER HERO! which super hero? hehehe my own personal favorite- SUPER JONAS FAN!!! there were so many cute little kids! but the stupid teenagers were all little turds and i'd get all excited that i'd get to see another cute little kid and then it'd be a teenager >: p and there weren't that many trick-or-treaters at all! there were like 3 groups between 6 and 7 and then like idk but there weren't many :(
all in all i rate halloween 2009- eh...OK :)
all in all i rate halloween 2009- eh...OK :)
Oct 29, 2009
catch me
i love this song by demi lovato! its now my fav song! every time i listen to it it makes me feel like i wanna write something-like a book ya know? and i have this perfect premise and this one scene as if its in a movie and i always firge the magnificent words that i so perfectly used to state what was being molded in my mind and it bugs me sooOoo much! but im going to start working on my new writing piece and you'll get to see it firsthand! well this is my little rant on the song that i was listening to to fall asleep,, so ninight!
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
i found a new awesome site thats even awesomer than twitter! (no character limit(great for me since i talk lots lolz) heres mine! follow me guys! :)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
Oct 27, 2009
you need to follow my blog megan!!!! i only have an erin and idt she even reads it :***( so u need to do that and make a twitter and follow me :) tehe for those of u so unfortunate as to not know my megan she is my awesome friend so sorry i didnt know any other way to get her attention guys...not that anyone reads this anyways...o well either way lol
Oct 23, 2009
Depression- NO im NOT talking about ME
Depression. Depression is an ilness. You hear people say "im depressed" but they often just mean that they're upset. Depressed people don't usually announce the fact that they're depressed, and sometimes they don't even know it.
A few years ago, i went through a very tough time with my friends. I was litterally depressed. Out of no where the main group of friends that i hung out with abandoned me. They were mad at me and to this day i have no idea why. They stopped talking to me and tried, and succeeded, to get almost everyone to do the same. As if that wasn't enough, and as if i wasn't already having a hard enough time, i slipped up and told some people something my best friend made me promise not to tell. I didnt even realize it because it was something so small, but i asked her if i was right that i wasn't supposed to share it. I was completly honest with her and appologized and she still got really mad. Then a bunch of people she thought were her friends convinced her that I was a horrible friend and that she shouldn't ever speak to me. So i lost all but 2 of my friends in one foul swoop. This sent me into a deep depression. Every minute of the day i was fighting tears, just waiting for the chance that i could leave school and cry myself to sleep in the middle of the afternoon. I lost all intrest in the things i loved. I dont know, because i cant go back to check, but i would assume i started wearing the darkest colored clothes i had (which isn't saying much because i've always been such a bright colored person that i dont even own anything black or grey(okay one gray shirt but that was this year)). I felt like no one but my family and the three people that ever talked to me cared about me, and i guess that was kind of true.
No one tried to help me out of my depression, but since it's a state of mind im pretty sure they couldn't have anyways. Luckily i never cut myself or had any thoughts of suicide. But a lot of people do. If you ever see anyone that walkes around with a glazed expression, or they look like their constantly fighting tears, or they've lost interest in things they were once really animated about, please confront them and try to help them out-even if you dont know them very well (you can always become their friend or tell their friends that they need some help)
a book i strongly recomend, is 13 reasons why. It's about a girl who commits suicide but leaves 7 tapes, double sided, each telling about one of the thirteen reasons why she killed herself-one of the thriteen people who made her commit suicide. Its a really good book, I laughed, i cried, you know the drill-only this time i'm not being ironic.
Now that you know how it affects people, dont just see somone who looks "emo" or "goth" or "depressed" and say oh look at that loser their such a loner- GO TALK TO THEM. ask them what's wrong or how they are. if they're the kind of "goth" or "emo" kid that just does it/dresses like it because they think they look cool, sure maybe they are rather strange and you dont have to talk to them, but if you think they seriously are cutting themselves or are actually depressed try to help them. LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. you never know what small random act of kindness will save someones life-whether litterally or socially. thInk about it, dO it!
A few years ago, i went through a very tough time with my friends. I was litterally depressed. Out of no where the main group of friends that i hung out with abandoned me. They were mad at me and to this day i have no idea why. They stopped talking to me and tried, and succeeded, to get almost everyone to do the same. As if that wasn't enough, and as if i wasn't already having a hard enough time, i slipped up and told some people something my best friend made me promise not to tell. I didnt even realize it because it was something so small, but i asked her if i was right that i wasn't supposed to share it. I was completly honest with her and appologized and she still got really mad. Then a bunch of people she thought were her friends convinced her that I was a horrible friend and that she shouldn't ever speak to me. So i lost all but 2 of my friends in one foul swoop. This sent me into a deep depression. Every minute of the day i was fighting tears, just waiting for the chance that i could leave school and cry myself to sleep in the middle of the afternoon. I lost all intrest in the things i loved. I dont know, because i cant go back to check, but i would assume i started wearing the darkest colored clothes i had (which isn't saying much because i've always been such a bright colored person that i dont even own anything black or grey(okay one gray shirt but that was this year)). I felt like no one but my family and the three people that ever talked to me cared about me, and i guess that was kind of true.
No one tried to help me out of my depression, but since it's a state of mind im pretty sure they couldn't have anyways. Luckily i never cut myself or had any thoughts of suicide. But a lot of people do. If you ever see anyone that walkes around with a glazed expression, or they look like their constantly fighting tears, or they've lost interest in things they were once really animated about, please confront them and try to help them out-even if you dont know them very well (you can always become their friend or tell their friends that they need some help)
a book i strongly recomend, is 13 reasons why. It's about a girl who commits suicide but leaves 7 tapes, double sided, each telling about one of the thirteen reasons why she killed herself-one of the thriteen people who made her commit suicide. Its a really good book, I laughed, i cried, you know the drill-only this time i'm not being ironic.
Now that you know how it affects people, dont just see somone who looks "emo" or "goth" or "depressed" and say oh look at that loser their such a loner- GO TALK TO THEM. ask them what's wrong or how they are. if they're the kind of "goth" or "emo" kid that just does it/dresses like it because they think they look cool, sure maybe they are rather strange and you dont have to talk to them, but if you think they seriously are cutting themselves or are actually depressed try to help them. LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND. you never know what small random act of kindness will save someones life-whether litterally or socially. thInk about it, dO it!
hey guys! i know not many people read this but i still feel rather dedicated to it. As long as it's special to someone (whether its just me or anyone) its special. and i haven't written something that wasn't advertisment in like FOREVER! so i am now! this isn't it because my topic needs a way better headline cuz its EXTREMELY IMPORTANT I just wanted to give you a heads up that it was coming. I may not finish it tonight because there's so much i wanna say about it but it iS cOming! no worries guys!
Read up soon!
p.s. how are you liking my new profile pic? im probably changing it soon(again) because i'm getting my hair cut tommorrow and so i'll probably have a little photoshoot time :) lol just letting you know- im really excited!
Read up soon!
p.s. how are you liking my new profile pic? im probably changing it soon(again) because i'm getting my hair cut tommorrow and so i'll probably have a little photoshoot time :) lol just letting you know- im really excited!
Oct 20, 2009
kk guys i made a facebook AND a facebook group! so im gonna make a new actual post ( a nonadvertisment post) tonight since thats all i've been doing latly jsuk. anYwho here's a link to my profile(my badge is also at the bottom of the screen(: )
Oct 16, 2009
tommorrows homecoming!!! i wont be doing a rant on it because it would be totally boring for the peeps who dont go to my school- i just thought you should know im sUPer excited!!!! :) :) :)
Oct 15, 2009
im writin a book guys! its temporarily called THE BOOK OF AWESOME. just wrote my first entry- its about Edgar Allan Poe and how he was actually a psychology genius. it also tells you about the stuff in his life that made him so crazy. so ya i'll keep you guys posted, as always!
Oct 14, 2009
twitter contest!
im havin a contest on twitter righv now guys! goto the bottom o the page to read my tweets bout. it then make a twitter and join it! ull win a prize i u win!!! GET GOIN!!!!
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
- Dangergurl (from my ipod)
WOW #5- Beware of Angry Waiters
WOW #5- Angry waiter+your food=angry waiters lugie iN your food.
~What I Like About You-the TV show
~What I Like About You-the TV show
Oct 13, 2009
WOW#4 - Gibbs
Words od Wisdom #4- learn and follow all of Gibbs' rules (gibbs from NCIS) they are all importan and VERY wise!
Oct 12, 2009
Cool Extras!
k guys so i've been havin some probs with getting followers-as those twitterers know. so i want to have a poll of things that you guys think would b cool (please comment and put the #and yes or no to whether its something you'd like(and for getting followers))-
1) if i made a youtube
2) if i made a podcast
3) if i made a facebook group
4) if i made a seperate website with lots of stuff and either ditch the blogspot or have a link to it
5) if i featured videos from youtube
6) a combonation(if answered yes tell what combo)
now let me know if you'd participate in these
7) polls
8) quote trivia
9) NTS-name that song
10) contests with prizes like shout outs and follow requests
please respond to this its pretty important, i want to make something you like because you are important!
1) if i made a youtube
2) if i made a podcast
3) if i made a facebook group
4) if i made a seperate website with lots of stuff and either ditch the blogspot or have a link to it
5) if i featured videos from youtube
6) a combonation(if answered yes tell what combo)
now let me know if you'd participate in these
7) polls
8) quote trivia
9) NTS-name that song
10) contests with prizes like shout outs and follow requests
please respond to this its pretty important, i want to make something you like because you are important!
Oct 11, 2009
The Invention of Lying
I saw the invention of lying yesterday!!! it was SOOOOO gooOd! I love how they insinuated that god and heaven and hell were all lyes made up to make people feel better about dying :p i cant tell that much without giving up the whole movie but i didnt really want him to end up with the person he ended with cause i thought she was rEAlly mean and dumb but she got a lot better by the end- my favorite part was with the little chubby boy with the ice cream and how she said he wasn't "short fat brian" he was "brian with the great smile" :) aaaaaaw :) but the begining (when he first goes to his dates house) was really akward :/ but all and all i rate this movie AWESOME!!!
Oct 9, 2009
Doo da doo its all good :)
so idk if anyone else randomly searches miley and mandy when they have nothing else to search on youtube but my friend does and we were havin a sleepover when she found this video:
I really love this saying, "Doo da Doo its all good". its super cute and totally explains my view on life :) (as you may or may not have caught before) I wish i would have come up with it lol but i came up with another one- Smiles go Miles =) and i write it all the time on my assignments and sometimes randomly put it on a peice of paper at stuff it in a random locker at school hehe
when your feelin down just let me know and i'll give ya a shout out! i love makin people happy!!! and from now on monday is RANDOM PERSON SHOUT OUT DAY!!! but OnLy on twitter so GET a TwiTTeR!!!!
I really love this saying, "Doo da Doo its all good". its super cute and totally explains my view on life :) (as you may or may not have caught before) I wish i would have come up with it lol but i came up with another one- Smiles go Miles =) and i write it all the time on my assignments and sometimes randomly put it on a peice of paper at stuff it in a random locker at school hehe
when your feelin down just let me know and i'll give ya a shout out! i love makin people happy!!! and from now on monday is RANDOM PERSON SHOUT OUT DAY!!! but OnLy on twitter so GET a TwiTTeR!!!!
Oct 8, 2009
I've noticed so many things about insults. Some people are awesome, while others epically fail. Some people totally pone at insults, and others are simply faIltasic.
Like George on that one episode of seinfeld where that dude insults him about how much he's eating the shrimp so George spends like 3 weeks trying to think of a good come back (of course it ends up lame) but then the guy is totally legit at thinking of these things off the top of his head so then George gets stuck with kramers idea of "yeah well i slept with your wife!" and then to make matters worse the guys wife is dead. There's like a thousand wrong things there!
1) Dont take this lightly! words aren't things to just toss out there cuz once you do you can't get it back and you can end up hitting a lot of people with it causing lOts of pRoblems.
2) Always have a couple of foolproof fallbacks- MY fav is "Sounds like a personal problem" (brought to me by my friend megan ekse!) so far there has been absolutly no insult that this doesn't cover as a fallback!
3) Know your enemy- don't just go spewing off random stuff, go for something that sort of applies to them without it being something huge that would like make them cry or something.
4) Avoid Cliches- cliche insults like "your mom" and "your face" are used so often and are so lame that they just make people laugh at your Fail-Tastic-ness. These have nO affect.
You now have the power of the legit insult. Use it well and dont abuse it so muc that you make someone cry thats just not cool-just have an insult duel with a friend or make an impact on an anoyance
Like George on that one episode of seinfeld where that dude insults him about how much he's eating the shrimp so George spends like 3 weeks trying to think of a good come back (of course it ends up lame) but then the guy is totally legit at thinking of these things off the top of his head so then George gets stuck with kramers idea of "yeah well i slept with your wife!" and then to make matters worse the guys wife is dead. There's like a thousand wrong things there!
1) Dont take this lightly! words aren't things to just toss out there cuz once you do you can't get it back and you can end up hitting a lot of people with it causing lOts of pRoblems.
2) Always have a couple of foolproof fallbacks- MY fav is "Sounds like a personal problem" (brought to me by my friend megan ekse!) so far there has been absolutly no insult that this doesn't cover as a fallback!
3) Know your enemy- don't just go spewing off random stuff, go for something that sort of applies to them without it being something huge that would like make them cry or something.
4) Avoid Cliches- cliche insults like "your mom" and "your face" are used so often and are so lame that they just make people laugh at your Fail-Tastic-ness. These have nO affect.
You now have the power of the legit insult. Use it well and dont abuse it so muc that you make someone cry thats just not cool-just have an insult duel with a friend or make an impact on an anoyance
Oct 7, 2009
Guess What?!?!?!?
I MIGHT MAKE A YOUTUBE!!! bUt only if i get enough followers on twitter! so make a twitter and follow me and then repost a tweet saying that peeps should follow me!!! Do iT nOW!!!
So idk if you noticed but i have a twitter gadget now! so you guys should follow me! but just as a forwarning i wont be following you back because people scare me but i want you to be able to know what i have to say and i when i get to a certain number of followers i may just have a prize :) just letting you know! and if you dont have a twitter-hmmm i wOnder wat the solution could be lol mAKe one silly goose! its pretty amazing to b able to tell people crap about wat your doing! and if ur following the right people its pretty dang entertaining so FOLLOW me PeePs!
Oct 2, 2009
Rant/Review of the Puyallup Fair and the movie Fame!
Okay first off is the fair, because it got a 100% different kind of rating than Fame !!!
Okay the fair is not for me. If i weren't afraid of heights, roller coasters, going upsidedown, and didn't have asthma, or hate people, then the fair would be great!!! but since i'm so special there were barely any rides i wanted to go on. that combined with the fact that we barely had any money or time made it so we could only go on three rides. this includes the giant slide. which freaked me out once i got to the top. ya. So for the dani i shall stick with wild waves! as for the dani+the puyallup fair, i rate this combo an EPIC-FAIL!
now that we have the failtastic news of the fair out-a the way lets talk about FAME!!! This movie was fricken amazing! at first i was seemed weird and the whole skipping almost an entire year in like a minute made me go "okay this is NOT gonna work for me", but no worries i said this in my head and i'm glad i did because once the movie got going i was glad they did it this way because it added suspense and drama in a subtle way. this movie made me laugh, almost cry, and dance in my seat (not the prettiest sight for strangers but hecka fun for the dani!)!!! So if you were considering going to see fame, DO IT! and if you were planning on going to a movie soon and were going to see something other than fame, SOMEONE MUST HAVE SPIKED YOUR LAST MEAL WITH FAIL SAUCE! GO BUY A TICKET FOR FAME OR GO RETURN UR TICKET AND SAY MY MIND IS WORKING NOW SO TRADE MY TICKET FOR FAME! GO GO GO!!! fame has obviously gotten a rating of AWESOME!
p.s. failsauce is a saying made by erin morgan...i think...well it was her or me but we both were co-creators :) just thought u should know of erin's epicness
Okay the fair is not for me. If i weren't afraid of heights, roller coasters, going upsidedown, and didn't have asthma, or hate people, then the fair would be great!!! but since i'm so special there were barely any rides i wanted to go on. that combined with the fact that we barely had any money or time made it so we could only go on three rides. this includes the giant slide. which freaked me out once i got to the top. ya. So for the dani i shall stick with wild waves! as for the dani+the puyallup fair, i rate this combo an EPIC-FAIL!
now that we have the failtastic news of the fair out-a the way lets talk about FAME!!! This movie was fricken amazing! at first i was seemed weird and the whole skipping almost an entire year in like a minute made me go "okay this is NOT gonna work for me", but no worries i said this in my head and i'm glad i did because once the movie got going i was glad they did it this way because it added suspense and drama in a subtle way. this movie made me laugh, almost cry, and dance in my seat (not the prettiest sight for strangers but hecka fun for the dani!)!!! So if you were considering going to see fame, DO IT! and if you were planning on going to a movie soon and were going to see something other than fame, SOMEONE MUST HAVE SPIKED YOUR LAST MEAL WITH FAIL SAUCE! GO BUY A TICKET FOR FAME OR GO RETURN UR TICKET AND SAY MY MIND IS WORKING NOW SO TRADE MY TICKET FOR FAME! GO GO GO!!! fame has obviously gotten a rating of AWESOME!
p.s. failsauce is a saying made by erin morgan...i think...well it was her or me but we both were co-creators :) just thought u should know of erin's epicness
Sep 26, 2009
Totally Get Prepared!
Totally get prepared for an AMAZING huge rant/review on the fair and the movie fame! it will be EPICLY AMAZING!!!
Sep 25, 2009
First Quote Quiz!
K guys this is your first quote quiz! Normally i will just put "Quote" in the title and then just the quote in the content and you'll just put your guess in the comment but since this is the first one and you need a tad bit of instructions. I'm gonna have three this time cuz im bored and thats just how i roll (but the first is easy so its ok)
1 "Oi with the poodles already!"
2 "I took a cold shower, i looked at a tree. I'm ready to go home I need hair products."
3 "That was for the crocs! Your not an old lady gardening or a baby on the beach!"
1 "Oi with the poodles already!"
2 "I took a cold shower, i looked at a tree. I'm ready to go home I need hair products."
3 "That was for the crocs! Your not an old lady gardening or a baby on the beach!"
Sep 24, 2009
Cross Promotion!
watch new moon! watch What the Buck! DONT stalk PeOpLe!!!
lol just watch what the buck on youtube-if you want suggestions on which ones just text me :)
lol just watch what the buck on youtube-if you want suggestions on which ones just text me :)
WOW #3- Rubber Bands
WOW#3- Always always ALWAYs have a rubber band with you.
Wherever you go make sure you have one. It too many uses for a lazy person to count! If you can name more than 15 i will bring you an oreo on monday the 28th of september 2009 or i will buy you something from the snack bar!
p.s. i can say whether it counts or not so if you put a bunch of random things that make no sense (i.e. cure cancer or turn it into a fish) it wont count as a use.
good luck my peeps!
Wherever you go make sure you have one. It too many uses for a lazy person to count! If you can name more than 15 i will bring you an oreo on monday the 28th of september 2009 or i will buy you something from the snack bar!
p.s. i can say whether it counts or not so if you put a bunch of random things that make no sense (i.e. cure cancer or turn it into a fish) it wont count as a use.
good luck my peeps!
Sep 23, 2009
term of day- Relapse 5
For those of you who do not watch How I Met Your Mother (i dont anymore but i did the begining of last year and years before that) you most likely do not know what a "relapse five" is. This is VERY unfortunate for you seeing as it comes in handy a lot. It is invented by barnie (my 2nd fav character after marshal) in the episode "Slapsgiving".
"relapse five!...thats where we high five, then its awkward for a few minutes...then we HIGH FIVE AGAIN!"
deffinitly look this scene up on youtube because it definitly deserves the AWESOME rating!
"relapse five!...thats where we high five, then its awkward for a few minutes...then we HIGH FIVE AGAIN!"
deffinitly look this scene up on youtube because it definitly deserves the AWESOME rating!
WOW-Words Of Wisdom: #1
DJ_Dangergurls WOW#1- just because something has the #1 in it doesn't mean it is the best. For example, all of my elementry friends tell me "i went #1" or "i have to go #1" is just another way of saying "i went pee" or "i have to pee"! thats not considered the best is it? just one of many examples of why #1 doesnt always = best.
Facebook App. Bumper Sticker- Review
So as you can see by the title i was on facebook again and i was browsing the bumper stickers on the app "bumper stickers" (i know its confusing but stay with me (lol)) You have to do a bit of sifting to find the stuff that makes you ROFL but when you'll find something approximatly every other page so no worries :) Ahhh the rofl's that i've shared w/ this app. It totally deserves a rating of: Epic!
Lets see if i can make you rofl-i created this w/ the snipping tool on my computer and an awesome bumper sticker i found:
Lets see if i can make you rofl-i created this w/ the snipping tool on my computer and an awesome bumper sticker i found:
Facebook Quizes- Review
I have a facebook-as you should all know. and i was really bored so i went and did a whole bunch of tests/quizes. I've found that in the "related quizes" little portion after a quiz, there is always at least 1 amazing quiz, 1 100% unrelated quiz, and the rest are just really lame. I rate Facebook Quizes: Fail!
When i rate things and/or give a review i rate them on this scale: Epic-Fail, Major Fail, Fail-tastic, Fail, Um...?, eh Ok, :), legit, epic, AWESOME
When i rate things and/or give a review i rate them on this scale: Epic-Fail, Major Fail, Fail-tastic, Fail, Um...?, eh Ok, :), legit, epic, AWESOME
This is The Dani's blog! If ur wondering why my username is DJ_Dangergurl, ur obviously not a JB fan. You ready to read a bunch of amazing theories and opinions of mine? NO? then you should leave this blog immediatly because thats what I'm all about. If yes, PREPARE FOR EPIC-NESS!
If you said yes and you don't like the jonas brothers, get over it because that's another thing im all about talkin bout. also twilight. but even if you dont then seriously GET OVER IT because you NEED to read all the other stuff that can only be described as one word: AWESOME.
If you said yes and you don't like the jonas brothers, get over it because that's another thing im all about talkin bout. also twilight. but even if you dont then seriously GET OVER IT because you NEED to read all the other stuff that can only be described as one word: AWESOME.
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