Oct 8, 2009


I've noticed so many things about insults. Some people are awesome, while others epically fail. Some people totally pone at insults, and others are simply faIltasic.

Like George on that one episode of seinfeld where that dude insults him about how much he's eating the shrimp so George spends like 3 weeks trying to think of a good come back (of course it ends up lame) but then the guy is totally legit at thinking of these things off the top of his head so then George gets stuck with kramers idea of "yeah well i slept with your wife!" and then to make matters worse the guys wife is dead. There's like a thousand wrong things there!
1) Dont take this lightly! words aren't things to just toss out there cuz once you do you can't get it back and you can end up hitting a lot of people with it causing lOts of pRoblems.
2) Always have a couple of foolproof fallbacks- MY fav is "Sounds like a personal problem" (brought to me by my friend megan ekse!) so far there has been absolutly no insult that this doesn't cover as a fallback!
3) Know your enemy- don't just go spewing off random stuff, go for something that sort of applies to them without it being something huge that would like make them cry or something.
4) Avoid Cliches- cliche insults like "your mom" and "your face" are used so often and are so lame that they just make people laugh at your Fail-Tastic-ness. These have nO affect.

You now have the power of the legit insult. Use it well and dont abuse it so muc that you make someone cry thats just not cool-just have an insult duel with a friend or make an impact on an anoyance

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