Guess what show is currently a close second to NCIS on my fav's list this year? LIFE UNEXPECTED!! its super good! the soundtrack is almost amazing as the script and i'm dying waiting for it to come out on itunes! its about a girl who grew up in foster homes and tried to get imansipated (however u spell it)but had to have the signatures of both of her birth parents and then it got rejected so she has to live in their joint custody and baze is her dad and he owns a bar and cate is a radio host with her fiance wats-his-name/guy on the farthest left. you have to watch it even though it sounds like a weird-o drama thing,,cuz its totally not!
will keep ya updated on what I think of the episodes- tonight is the fourth episode and im super excited!!! go on twitter for my constant updates~ if ur not already followin me
p.s. im tryin to get someone to create a logo for my blog and that person gets followed on twitter by both my accounts or-if you choose- you blog gets followed :)! let me know!
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